This function creates an ESP from a template. If left empty, an example report will be created.

  out_name = "EXAMPLE-ESP.docx",
  esp_dir = getwd(),
  ref_spreadsheet = "references_spreadsheet.csv",
  esp_data = NULL,
  google_folder_url = NULL,
  render_ref = FALSE



The file name for the report


The directory with your ESP files. This folders should have been populated with the ESP template files. The ESP will be saved here.


Parameters passed to the Rmarkdown. See details.


The file path to the filled out references spreadsheet (one of the template documents; optional)


The data to use for automated analyses.


The URL of the google drive folder holding the template materials (optional)


Whether to render references in markdown from a references spreadsheet


Suggestions for parameters are:

  • num: The appendix number of the EPS

  • authors: The names of the authors, as a single character string

  • year: The year of the ESP

  • contributors: The names of the contributors, as a single character string

  • fish: The name of the fish species

  • region: The name of the stock area

  • fig_spreadsheet: The file path to the filled out figure spreadsheet (one of the template documents)

  • tab_spreadsheet: The file path to the filled out table spreadsheet (one of the template documents)

  • esp_text: The file path to the filled out text template (one of the template documents)

  • esp_type: The type of ESP to make. One of c("full", "partial", "report_card")

  • con_model_path: The path to the conceptual model. Currently only required for report card ESPs.

  • stock_image: The path to an image to use on the cover page. Shows the NOAA logo as a default.

  • bayes_path: The path to the image of Bayesian Adaptive Sampling results


Additional arguments are passed as parameters to the ESP Rmarkdown report.