ESP report cards

An ESP report card with default settings can be produced using the code below. Run ?AKesp::render_esp() to see the help file and learn how to update the parameters to incorporate specific information on your stock of interest.

  esp_data = AKesp::get_esp_data("Alaska Sablefish"),
  esp_type = "report_card"

Partial and full ESPs

Create your template

The AKesp::create_template function creates an ESP template at the specified path. I strongly suggest using the here package to reference file paths.

  path = here::here(),
  type = "full"

Create your content

  • Put all figures in the images folder (.png or .jpeg format) and fill out figure_spreadsheet.csv. Enter figures into the spreadsheet in the order you want them to appear. If you’d like to include any of the “standard” ESP figures, you can use a keyword in the chunk_name column (these keywords are automatically included in the template figure_spreadsheet.csv):
dat <- read.csv(system.file("figure_spreadsheet.csv",
                package = "AKesp"))
file_name chunk_name description caption alt_text
images/noaa.jpg noaa NOAA logo The NOAA logo. An image of the NOAA logo
conceptual-model shortcut to include conceptual model will be automatically produced
traffic-eco shortcut to include ecosystem traffic light figure will be automatically produced
traffic-socio shortcut to include socioeconomic traffic light figure will be automatically produced
overall shortcut to include overall traffic score figure will be automatically produced
bayesian shortcut to include bayesian summary figure will be automatically produced
  • Put all tables in the tables folder (.csv format) and fill out table_spreadsheet.csv. Enter tables into the spreadsheet in the order you want them to appear. If you’d like to include the “standard” ESP tables, you can use a keyword in the chunk_name column (these keywords are automatically included in the template table_spreadsheet.csv):
dat <- read.csv(system.file("table_spreadsheet.csv",
                package = "AKesp"))
file_name chunk_name description caption
tables/example.csv example example table An example table
eco-table shortcut for creating the ecosystem traffic light table will be automatically produced
socio-table shortcut for creating the socioeconomic traffic light table will be automatically produced
  • Put all your references in the references_spreadsheet.csv, following the example format. A references.bib file will be created and used to compile your in-text references and literature cited section.

  • Edit ...-esp-text-template.docx (can be done on Google Drive and then downloaded). Remember to follow markdown formatting syntax for tables, figures, and references using keywords from the respective spreadsheets.

Create the ESP

Finally, use AKesp::render_esp to generate your ESP from the template content.

Example full ESP

After creating a full ESP template, running AKesp::render_esp will produce an example ESP using the data and parameters that you specify. Due to the pagination of the traffic light figures combined with Rmarkdown figure rendering limitations, you will need to copy and paste the traffic light figures into the correct order and delete repetitive captions (these sections are marked in the output).

  esp_type = "full",
  esp_data = AKesp::get_esp_data("Alaska Sablefish"),
  esp_text = "full-esp-text-template.docx",
  fig_spreadsheet = "figure_spreadsheet.csv",
  tab_spreadsheet = "table_spreadsheet.csv"

ESP parameters

To see the parameters that can be changed for the ESP:


ESP one pager

A “one pager” is shorter than a report card and summarizes the ESP in a single page. See ?AKesp::one_pager() for more information on how to update the parameters to customize your one pager.

dat <- AKesp::get_esp_data("Alaska Sablefish")
  overall_data = dat,
  data = dat %>%
    dplyr::filter(CATEGORY == "Lower Trophic")